PE 11 - win 7 home 64b
Nevertheless, I installed my PE11 version a second time (since I read that that is possible) on a different computer (win 7 enterprise 64b).
I've imported some images, used same project settings (1080i 25fr) etc
Even with these limited amount of images I get the same result: for some pictures the rendered preview is not loaded when you start again the program.
But they exist always in the preview render map ...
I've tested with all kinds of imageformats and the conclusion of this in my case is that ONLY .psd files have this problem.
In my original project most images are .psd because I first adapt them in photoshop (color, background blur, etc and also resize to 72 ppi 1920 pixels) ...
And you should expect that importing psd is not a problem because both are adobe ...
I've noticed also that PE doesn't see the preview files in this case even more, the program makes a new preview file !. So every time you render after loading the, project, this crappy software is making another preview file for the same object !?.
So after closing down the program and starting up (and rendering) a few times you end up with a renderpreview folder with several times the same preview files and none of them are used !!!
It should be wise for adobe to have a closer look why imported and rendered psd files are "lost" after closing the program.
I wanted to contact the support of adobe for this but the contactform just points back to here ...