I have a number of Presenter presentations that I want to convert from an older version of Presenter. I am using Presenter 10 because of its output to html 5. However I seem to be encountering a recurring problem which I can replicate consistently.
Initially I had issues with re-publishing a Presenter presentation that had been created in an older version of Presenter. One of the problems I faced was the the video content in the Presenters was in flv format. I had to convert these to mp4, which was a little hit and miss as not all mp4 are created equal in the eyes of Presenter 10. It would be good to hear if anyone has the correct mp4 settings so as they can play reliably when publishing to a Connect server Conent Library using Presenter 10.
The bigger problem I have is with the message of being unable to publish the presentation due (possibly) to lack of disk space or sufficient permissions. I have seen previous posts on this and it seems that the advice given has been to clear the C:/temp files and/or to create a new profile on the computer. I have sufficient disk space and even after cleaning out my temp files I experience the same problem.
I can replicate the problem with a high degree of reliability. Essentially this message only appears when I insert a video file (mp4 or flv) of certain duration and try to publish to a Connect server in HTML 5 format including video. As soon as I untick the video option in the publish screen I can successfully publish - obviously video is removed. I compared one video that I had in managed to successfully publish and it seems to me that the error message appears when the video is longish in duration. The video in the presentation that fails is 2 minutes 54 seconds in duration. The video that successfully published is less than half this in length at 21 seconds. I am trialing with increasing the duration of a video to see if there is a particular duration in time that then sets off the unable to publish message.
I wonder then if anyone else has experienced the unable to publish message and whether there is a fullproof way of getting around it. Also has anyone experienced the video publishing to html 5 using Presenter 10 issue and whether the unable to publish message is akin to a generic failure message? Any suggestions help, would be grateful. I have a number of Presenter presentations to replublish and all have video in them, it would be good to get "fix".