Thanks very much for the suggestion. I used toString() to convert the input to string, but I'm getting the same error:
Error at xsl:output on line 2 column 193
XTSE1560: Conflicting values for output property method
I tested the XML/XSLT functionality using example code, and it worked fine. The problem must lie somewhere else.
This is the code we're using:
<cfset xsltFileCorrected = trim("../" & this.xsltFile)>
<cfset xsltFileCorrected = REReplace( xsltFileCorrected, "^[^<]*", "", "all" )>
<cfset thisXmlDom = tostring(this.xmlDom)>
<cfset xsltFileCorrected = tostring(xsltFileCorrected)>
<cfset this.pageOutput=xmltransform(thisxmlDom,xsltFileCorrected,parameters)>
Is there anything malformed about this code? Would it help to see a dump of the XML and XSLT input?