My name is Stephan and i am new here. I used to work with an other program but i had enough of the eternal problems. I decided to buy Premiere elements 12 (Dutch version) and i am very glad i did so.
My question is about the use of titles. I made a small title and would like to copy that and use it a little bit further in the movie. But changing the tekst in the first title also changes the tekst in the second (or other copied) titles. In some way the parts are linked withe eachother and this is of course not what i would like. I tried to change the name of the title, but still all the other titles change also. What can i do about this?
Also i made a title myself with some animation and i would like to uste that in other movies. I saw something from Elements 11 in which they said that you must select the title and export it as an title file. In 12 i can not do that. The Export button can not be selected.
Can someone help me??
Many thanks, Stephan